On 13/08/15 18:17, Sergey Popov wrote:
> 11.08.2015 16:49, Michael Palimaka пишет:
>>> You think that REQUIRED_USE is abusive to users: fine. Point accepted.
>>> I think that provided DEPEND strings if they will be typed at every
>>> single qt-related ebuild that needs them are abusive to developers.
>>> So, maybe we should wrap them into eclass and stop riding our own
>>> bicycles...
>>> And then - use apropriate one-liner where it's needed, providing
>>> reasonable default and NOT confusing users with overmanaging their
>>> package.use
>> Please read Ben's original post again. Dependency strings are not the topic.
> If introducing new USE-flags or ignoring using REQUIRED_USE leads to
> blowing the DEPEND variable, adding pain for the developers - it is the
> topic, definitely

Seriously, read the original post again. It's about handling of packages
that offer a choice between qt4 and qt5 and how to present that to the user.

It's not about the size of dependency strings, banning REQUIRED_USE,
project policy enforcement or anything else. If you wish to discuss
those topics please create a new thread and stop derailing this one.

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