On 09/16/2015 04:25 PM, Michał Górny wrote:
> Hello,
> Right now we kinda have three layers of team package maintainership
> in Gentoo:
> 1. e-mail aliases + bugzilla accounts,
> 2. herds,
> 3. projects.
> Now if we get into the details, it's all very messy.
> E-mail aliases are pretty much handled by obscure, proprietary
> scripts. Formally Gentoo developers can read and modify them, but
> willikins also provides read access to most of the aliases. E-mail
> aliases specify the de-facto list of people receiving bug mail
> and other package inquiries. E-mail aliases are either listed directly
> as <maintainer/> objects, or indirectly provided through herds.
> It should be noted that Bugzilla allows users to 'watch' particular
> e-mail addresses, effectively subscribing users to the bug mail. This
> can extend the list of people receiving bug mail for a package.
> Herds are stored in data/api.git repository, as an .xml file.
> Additionally, read access is provided through api.gentoo.org site.
> Herds specify explicitly the de-facto maintainers of packages maintained
> by herds. In the past they could alternatively refer to project pages
> but that support was dropped along with project wiki migration. Herds
> are also mapped to e-mail aliases (which may list different people).
> Herds are listed as <herd> objects.
> Projects are stored in the proprietary databases of our Wiki instance.
> Projects may specify maintainers of packages where herd is supposed to
> map directly to a project (though herds.xml doesn't provide a correct
> mapping anymore), and also when the particular project's e-mail address
> is listed as maintainer. Projects are usually (though not obligatorily)
> mapped to e-mail aliases. There is no explicit listing for projects in
> metadata.xml.
> To summarize, I see the following issues:
> 1. All three layers are totally disjoint, stored in completely
> different format in completely different places.
> 2. Only herds and aliases can be cleanly mapped via metadata.xml.
> 3. If an alias is given as maintainer, and the alias maps both to
> a herd and a project, it is unclear which of the two it is.
> 4. Herds can no longer refer to projects, so all project members are
> duplicated in herds (= increased maintenance burden).
> 5. Projects can't list members who do not have Wiki accounts or are
> not Gentoo developers.
> So, what are your thoughts for unmessing this?

Herds are groups of developers that can then be mapped to a package.

Aliases are groups of developers and/or others that can be mapped to a
package (and more, but at least that).

Is there a reason not to do a merge into it all being one or the other
(preferably aliases I think, as it's somewhat more explicit with mail).
Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

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