Dnia 17 września 2015 11:07:43 CEST, "Anthony G. Basile" <bluen...@gentoo.org> 
>On 9/17/15 4:35 AM, Justin (jlec) wrote:
>> On 16/09/15 23:43, Matthew Thode wrote:
>>> On 09/16/2015 04:25 PM, Michał Górny wrote:
>>>> So, what are your thoughts for unmessing this?
>>> Herds are groups of developers that can then be mapped to a package.
>> Herds are a group of packages, which are maintained my one or more
>developers or
>> a project team consisting of one or more developers.
>Let's begin by eliminating herds.  We can do that by absorbing herds 
>into projects where that makes sense (eg base-system), or expanding the
>herd into the respective maintainers where a clear association between 
>herd and project does not make sense.  An ebuild can then have a 
><project> tag in which case it is maintained by all members of a
>or a maintainer list, or a combination of both.  It can also have an 
>observer tag for devs that want to track that pkg's maintenance while 
>not being a maintainer.

This is not semantically correct for XML. Type of maintainer should be 
indicated by subelement or attribute, not three identical elements.

>Aliases can be associated with projects in the same way that ebuilds 
>are.  An alias can either belong to a project, in which case it expands
>to all the project members plus other added emails, or just a free 
>standing alias with just members.
>Eg1.  I'm not on base system, so an pkg with
>    <name>base-system</name>
>    <email>base-sys...@gentoo.org</email>

People aren't going to be happy about this. Their VAX-11s may not be able to 
handle typing the extra bytes when they do their daily routine of writing 200 
metadata.xml files.

>    <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
>    <email>bluen...@gentoo.org</email>
>    <name>Devan Franchini</name>
>    <email>twitch153@gentoo</email>

This looks like a serious overkill. Both in the terms of commits and effort 

>would be maintained by all of base system with alias 
>base-sys...@gentoo.org and me.  twitch153 is listed as just an observer
>of the pkg and would receive emails but not technically be allowed to 
>maintain the package.  The email alias for this pkg is automatically 
>generated from the metadata.xml.

This sounds like a lot of alias changes. What about package removals? Do 
aliases get removed too? What about synchronization delays? What about all the 
extra bugzie accounts?

>Eg2. A "free standing" ebuild could have
>    <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
>    <email>bluen...@gentoo.org</email>
>    <proxy/>
>    <email>b...@bergstroem.nu</email>
>    <name>Johan Bergström</name>
>Again the alias for this pkg is automatically generated from the 

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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