On 10.10.2015 15:25, hasufell wrote:
> On 10/10/2015 03:14 PM, Manuel Rüger wrote:
>> Dear Michał,
>> first of all, please stick to the truth.
>> In #gentoo-dev:
>> <mgorny> mrueg: as i pointed out, it was because i see it in pull
>> requests and gentoo developers are teaching bad practices to new recruits
>> <mrueg> mgorny: please don't CC me in future then, thanks.
>> [...]
>> <mrueg> I already set up a sieve filter to filter out those Re:
>> [gentoo-commits] mails in gentoo-dev, I don't want to filter those I
>> receive because they actually could be QA-related and not a
>> stylistic-nitpick.
> We are trying to do useful reviews and we may make mistakes. This is not
> to annoy people and if we find that particular things are controversial,
> we will just stop adding those to our reviews.
> But setting up sieve filters to throw out everything that the project
> devotes time on is very motivating.
>> I guess your actions were part of the recently established project
>> "Reviewers". Therefore, I'd like to remind you and the other members of
>> this project about our CoC:
>> "Using the correct forum for your post. Bug reports and idle chatter do
>> not belong on the gentoo-dev mailing list; discussion about a
>> wide-ranging change to the tree probably does not belong on Bugzilla.
>> Different fora will also have different standards of behaviour – a joke
>> that is perfectly acceptable on IRC will be taken differently when made
>> on a mailing list." [1]
> As you might know, I haven't really reviewed much on dev ML either,
> until people started ranting about our Social Contract, how github is
> against it and that everything must be public on our own infra channels.
> I'll stick to sending (semi-)private mails then and CC
> review...@gentoo.org. So in case you just want to set up another sieve
> filter.

Dear Julian,

avoiding this mailing list for further reviews is great news.
Still, I'd like to opt-out from receiving any mails arising from project
If there are QA-related issues with packages, I maintain, please file a
bug on bugs.gentoo.org.

Thanks for your consideration.

- Manuel

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