On 10.10.2015 16:15, hasufell wrote:
> On 10/10/2015 03:54 PM, Manuel Rüger wrote:
>> Dear Julian,
>> avoiding this mailing list for further reviews is great news.
>> Still, I'd like to opt-out from receiving any mails arising from project
>> "Reviewers".
>> If there are QA-related issues with packages, I maintain, please file a
>> bug on bugs.gentoo.org.
> That's a great start for us, having developers announce publicly that
> they will ignore our project or require us to create bugs for every
> missing "|| die" in an ebuild.
> Not everything belongs on bugzilla. If there are common mistakes (e.g.
> missing SLOT :0 on openssl, libpng, jpeg and whatnot), we might still
> post them here, so that people are made aware of that. And that also has
> happened recently (I'd say not even half of the ebuilds I was looking at
> during my libressl work had a correct openssl depstring).
> Knowing that you will ignore all those mails is very motivating. I'll
> leave it to your own consideration whether that is in accordance with
> our CoC/social contract. But ignoring each other is already very common
> in gentoo and accepted practice, so what can I say.
> Nevertheless, we'll try to continue, reduce public noise and keep the
> reviews useful.

Dear Julian,

I guess you misunderstood my reply somehow.
Neither I am ignoring the project, as I welcome QA-related reviews nor
do I want to turn down your motivation to review packages. I simply just
want to become notified via bugzilla instead of plain mail.

There are various reasons. I probably should have explained them before.
I am sorry for that.
* While I receive countless mails on multiple accounts every day and
also read those on (mobile) devices, that do not allow access to Gentoo
repositories, I will simply miss to fix those issues.
* A bug in bugzilla reminds me in an organized way about issues, that
should be fixed.
* It is also organized in a way, that is easily searchable for others
that come across the issue.
* Bugzilla allows to change the assignee, CC yourself get notified about
changes and lots of other possibilities a mailing list doesn't serve.
* And finally: Bugzilla is not a broadcast medium as mailing lists are,
allowing people to subscribe to things they actually are interested in.

Regarding the issues you consider too low-hanging for bugzilla, have you
considered to use IRC for that?

With best regards,


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