On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:17 AM, wraeth <wra...@wraeth.id.au> wrote:
> I am one of the users who spoke to idella4 about this, but I wanted to
> repeat this publicly in order to highlight the point of view of
> contributing user as opposed to a developer.
> Firstly I would like to say that I appreciate feedback on my work - it
> helps me to improve the quality of my work both for Gentoo and personally.
> I also agree whole-heartedly to the concept of the Reviewers project, in
> that highlighting common improvements that could be made would benefit
> both contributors who participate and Gentoo as a whole.
> Having said that, however, I do not appreciate the method in which these
> criticisms were delivered, and believe it extends beyond the idea of
> the Reviewers project.
> I feel that it is inappropriate for criticisms of contributor's work to
> be broadcast on a mailing list that is read not only by the developer
> community, but by users as well, without their consent. This is not a
> case where I am particularly embarrassed or upset - if others can learn
> from my mistakes, then they are mistakes I am happy to make (preferably
> only once). But doing so publicly, with identifying information, is
> inappropriate.

Good grief. Seriously?

Mailing list review is the *norm* in the free software world.

I haven't seen anything noted that should have caused embarrassment.

This whole thing, as far as I can see, is about improving the quality
of Gentoo. I have learned from the reviewers reviewing my commits and
the commits of others. It's extremely valuable to do this in public
and the idea that noting an error on a public mailing list is somehow
bad is simply misguided.

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