On 11/03/2015 04:04 PM, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn wrote:
> Matt Turner schrieb:
>> The git transition had been 9 years in the making and has massively
>> improved Gentoo development. Look at the graph of contributions per
>> month: https://www.openhub.net/p/gentoo
> I'd like to point out that some stuff that has previously been done in a
> single commit is now several commits (e.g. bump + removal of old
> version).

1. not all developers do that and I'd go so far to say that we shouldn't
dictate these detail too much. It has advantages, yes, but it doesn't
really break anything.

2. if you follow the github PRs you will clearly notice that people have
started to actively contribute in a way that wasn't possible on bugzilla
in the same way... there are no hard numbers, but as someone who had
been following the maintainer-wanted/needed aliases, I am pretty sure
the amount of contributions has increased considerably. You can also ask
the proxy-maintainers team, which has all hands full merging PRs.

So yes, git has improved the number of collaborations. It's hard to not
notice, unless you really don't want to notice.

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