On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 09:43:08 +0200
Alexis Ballier <aball...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> nobody is talking about a premature unmask and even less about
> firefox :)

Right. My bad on the FF :)  ( ffmpeg having FF in it is clearly perturbing my 
brain )

But my point really is that *chromium* has end users desiring 
for valid security reasons.

And the strategy of allowing temporary USE masking means the life-cycles of 
between Chromium and ffmpeg don't need to be tied together.

That way we're not motivated to push stabilization of ffmpeg into end users 
in order to satisfy the security cycles of Chromium, so we can get Chromium 
and secure without necessitating we do the same with ffmpeg.

And as stabilizing/unmasking ffmpeg relies mostly on the ability for its reverse
dependencies not to be broken, this essentially means without the USE mask 
our stabliziation/unmasking workflow for Chromium is now dependent on everything
that uses ffmpeg.

And I'd just rather we not create such a tight, inflexible dependency that 
us to propagate breakage when there's a clear path that doesn't propagate 

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