On 06/01/17 04:27, Kent Fredric wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jan 2017 10:23:02 -0500
> Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I tend to be firmly in the camp that a package shouldn't be removed
>> unless there is evidence of a serious bug (and that includes things
>> blocking other Gentoo packages).
> I would probably go further and extend that argument to older versions
> of packages, for similar reasons, at least in regards to older versions
> with specific and exclusive APIs. 
> Our duty as maintainers is to protect our users from the mistakes
> upstream make as much as possible, not to protect ourselves as
> maintainers from having difficult challenges.
> But our duty here doesn't extend to protecting users from problems the
> user knows don't affect them.
> If for example, a media playback suite has a memory corruption bug when
> playing media of a certain type, making it unusable when playing that
> media, it does seem reasonable for us at first to kill that suite.
> However, if the user in question knows they're never going to play
> that certain type of media, and only uses that media suite for a narrow
> and specific kind of problem, then we're not serving them much utility,
> or much freedom of choice by ripping this tool out of their hands for a
> problem they'll never have.
> Maybe we need an intermediate option, where the sensible default when
> we discover this kind of error is to remove it, but provide a way to
> easily restore that package if the users are ok with it.
> Like, this is not my proposal, just an idea so you can see where I'm
> headed with thoughts:
> If packages had a field called "BUGS=" it could contain an array of
> bugs a package is known to contain, but can be conditionally avoided if
> you're careful.
> Packages with non-empty BUGS= fields would be treated as hard-masked
> for the purpose of repoman checks, and so packages that depend on
> specific version ranges of packages with BUGS= fields are invalid,
> and need their own BUGS= fields.
> Users get portage by default telling them "X package has to go away,
> because it has bug #145 , #1286234, and #123756"
> And if this is not satisfactory, they can override portage with 
> ACCEPT_BUGS="145 1286234 123756"
> You could even have
> BUGS=" x86? ( 112345 )" 
> This to me sounds like a more user-empowering approach.
> The only questions to me are:
> - Do we have the resources to support this kind of strategy?
> - How much additional complexity and confusion will this introduce for
>   users?
> - Is that additional complexity and confusion something users want to
>   indulge, or is our current feature set already too complex.
> That last one is pretty much the one that weighs most on my mind
> lately, with users frequently stumped by handling subslot upgrades
> and required-use conflicts.
> Granted, this is just yet-another alternative flavour of hard-masking
> things, so I'd rather we stick with careful use of hardmasks to inform
> users of problems they might face, allowing them to contravene the hard
> masks if they're feeling like they want to be adults.
+1 I like this proposal .. we are supposedly a distribution of Choice
and Flexibility .. part of that is being an adult about making that
choice available, and the consequences of it ..

Just my 2c50 as usual ;)

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