Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> >> I proxy maintain bitcoins for luke-jr.  He wants to propose a patch
> >> against the bitcoin eclass.  The following is his proposed change.
> >> I'll commit it after review.
> > 
> > Please do not do that, Anthony.
> I don't have time nor the familiarity to properly maintain bitcoins
> myself.

Understood, and no problem. I think it's especially important to be a
bit conservative under those circumstances.

> I will ignore all negative advice regarding this package unless it is
> balanced with positive advice.

That's cool. I tried to also be constructive in my mail - sorry if
that didn't get through. I was saying that the patched version should
probably be a separate ebuild.

But Mathy's (sorry for the mistype in my last mail Mathy) suggestion
to go ahead with renaming the USE flag but *not* flipping it to
default on is also a good step.

> Please point out what lines of the patch should be changed and what
> they should be changed to, else I will commit the patch as
> provided.

All lines containing +knots should say knots instead.



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