Le 2018-01-10 10:53, Michał Górny a écrit :
Last I checked, Gentoo was a Linux distribution. However, some people
prefer to turn it into open discussion forum that has nothing to do with
making a distribution.

No it has. Giving power to a subset of users, denying interaction with
future contributors unless they enroll is the eaxct way to kill Gentoo
as a community !

I guess you should have voiced your opinion back when discussion was
taking place instead of being hostile *now* because the Council listened
to what the developers requested.

I've voiced my opinion as a 10 year user. I've never take nor the
quizzes, nor made any move to become a Gentoo Developper beacause of
this kind of closedmind state.

And if you are curious, then I've been asked by multiple developers
(and a few users) requesting the restriction, and I haven't been
contacted by a single one who asked otherwise.
People have voiced against this proposals before. So you want to protect
some developper instead of getting an open community.

As I've already said, Gentoo community is taking (and part is because of
lack of user consideration) a very bad direction.

I might want to spread the word that Gentoo is not anymore a welcoming
community for people who want to delve inside GNU/Linux and easily
understant how is build a complete OS.

Vincent-Xavier JUMEL GPG Id: 0x14ABB3F2 http://thetys-retz.net

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