On 2020-08-06 20:56, Rich Freeman wrote:
> Has anything even changed with kexec?  Or is this an issue that has
> been an issue for many years in kexec, that will suddenly become an
> issue in genkernel?  In that case it is news from a genkernel
> perspective, and something anybody with a correctly-booting system
> fixed a long time ago if they're using kexec.

Well, first it was an annoyance I became aware of myself when I noticed
a system having dozen of root arguments in kernel command-line. I think
we even talked about this in #gentoo-base a while ago:

> # cat /proc/cmdline
> domdadm dolvm dosshd crypt_root=UUID=a-b-c-d root=UUID=e-f-g-h rootfs=xfs 
> scandelay=3 root_trim=yes vga=0x317 gk.log.keep=/var/log/genkernel-boot.log 
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  
> root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2  root=/dev/dm-2

...you can count how often the system was rebooted using kexec ;)

This week I also received a bug report from a user who upgraded to
genkernel-4.1 where first reboot failed but everything was working after
a reset (cold boot).

During my investigation I was able to trigger this by myself, for
example when I close and re-open LVM volume and trigger new symlink for
re-opened root volume (this sounds like a non-typical use case for some
people but when dealing LVM backups/snapshots it's not that uncommon).

So this became a bug for me in our kexec runscript which I fixed
and already warn about

But note: This is not even a kexec issue per-se. If you use kexec on
your own with your scripts (which is also not that uncommon) you maybe
also appending additional root argument which has the potential to cause
boot failures in case you are using non-permanent device names and
something will be different in start environment.

Thomas Deutschmann / Gentoo Linux Developer
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