On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 12:54 PM Sam James <s...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> juippis' whole email nails the issue, but I'd just like to add that
> there's kind of a baseline at ~400/~450 or so where everything below
> that is PRs for new packages or long-obsolete stuff nobody closed yet,
> or where we're waiting on the submitter. It's just that going ahead
> and going over those is time-consuming and means we're spending less
> time on active PRs which need looking at.


In general the Gentoo workflow tends to be a bit different from a lot
of other projects as well, with quite a bit more individual
ownership/interest.  Many distros just stick to core packages in a
main repo, and consign everything else to user-maintained
repos/overlays/etc, or tiers with lower expectations for quality.

Then you have all the build-related issues that can be hard to
reproduce/test, that other distros simply don't have to worry about
because they only support one or two build configurations.

Another thing I've seen in fairly large projects is auto-closing of
issues/bugs/PRs/etc.  If your submission sits around for more than a
few weeks without getting merged, a bot comes along and helpfully
marks it closed.  That of course results in a nice low open-issue
count, but of course that doesn't mean those issues are actually


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