On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:23:12 +0000 MAL typed:

> I'm thinking potentially, but what I would like to do is build a few
> pcs who's sole purpose is building software, (via distcc or
> openmosix).  I'd like them to be as small and as cheap as possible,
> containing only the essentials and preferably being quiet, but that's
> not important.
> So basically I want to find some all inclusive motherboards that run 
> well under linux, and have acceleration in the right places for 
> compiling, (what does accelerate compiling? memory bandwidth? CPU
> clock? L2 cache?), and a net card with decent 100 FD throughput.
> Then, why not try and fit more than one of them in a box.. I can
> custom make it, so is there any hardware that could be added to this
> to aid in distributed compiling?

Not the fastest things on earth, but why not check out what's available
at http://www.mini-itx.com.
Basically they offer small form-factor motherboards with pretty much
everything on-board. They all run Via processors (some with fans, some
fanless), and are well supported in the kernel (the guys on there seem
to do a lot of linux 'experiments' with their stuff :-)
They also have a variety of cases and stuff, but if you're looking to
build something yourself, you'll probably want a huge case, and then try
and fit 3 or 4 of those boards in it - I have an old HP Netserver
sitting here right now doing nothing that I was thinking of doing
something similar with at some point when I find some time (and money) -
something like that would be ideal.

Good luck, hope the link is of some use,

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