On March 5, 2003 10:03 pm, John Indra wrote:
> In FreeBSD, there are -STABLE branch and -CURRENT branch. Whenever I
> want to install the latest -STABLE branch

gentoo using something called "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS" that you can define in your 
make.conf file.  if you set it to say, "x86" gentoo will only install 
"stable" packages on your system.  however, if you're up for taking risks, 
you can set it to "~x86" which will install all the "not quite ready, but 
featurefull" stuff.

> 1. I can go to one of the FreeBSD snapshot servers to download latest
> build of -STABLE tree

not nessecary.  "emerge sync" will get you a list of all the available source 

> 2. Setup those files thus the installer later can fetch the files from
> local FTP server

read above

> 3. Make the boot disk

see #1

> 4. Boot the PC I want to install using those disks

see #1... agian ;-)

> 5. The installer run and fetch the installation files from my local FTP
> server (which contains the FreeBSD installation files already)

emerge <programname> does exactly that.

> Later, I install cvsup, I check-in the latest FreeBSD source and port,
> then I can recompile the whole world with specific compiler
> optimizations, and I can install e.g.: KDE, Gnome from ports.

cvs is outta my leage.  i've never messed with the stuff.  maybe someone else 
has a comment?

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  - oscar wilde

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