On Thursday 27 February 2003 08:14, Stephen Varga wrote:
> You should not have to process a refund, since it is not legal to
> charge your credit card until the product ships. If they charged your
> card tell them to reverse it immediately and cancel the order, then
> call your credit card company and start the process to dispute the
> charges.
> Do you really want to keep dealing with this company that has been
> giving you the run around? How are they going to react if you have a
> problem with one of the components? Waiting two weeks to deal with a
> comapnay that is going to provide you the service you want is a small
> price to pay compared to the pain of keep dealing with this company.
> Steve
> On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 12:29, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> >     I know that this is way off topic and probably belongs on the
> > forum, but I figured that I could reach the maximum # of people
> > this way. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to upgrade one of my
> > computers with a new motherboard and processor. I searched the web
> > for top rated boards at a good price and decided on the Leadtek
> > K7NCR18D-pro. My focus then changed to obtaining the best price
> > possible.
> >     My search led me to decide on a company called PCRapids. Although
> > their shipping charges were on the high side, their prices were
> > still the best. My step-son and 3 of his co-workers decided to join
> > in and I placed my order on Feb. 15th for 5 Leadtek boards and 5
> > AthlonXP 2100+ processors. (at a fair price of $1.113.00) This sum
> > was immediately charged to my account and I was able to access a
> > page that reported my order status as "IN PROCESS".
> >     Now, after 11 days, this page still says "IN PROCESS" `10 or 12
> > emails inquiring about my order have gone un answered and most
> > telephone calls are not picked up on their end. When a call is
> > actually answered, I am given an answer designed to placate me.
> > Last Thursday, I was told that my order had been shipped and that I
> > could expect an email shortly with a UPS tracking #. The email
> > never appeared. Several emails and phone calles were all
> > unanswered. The following day, at 11:00 A.M. EST, I was able to
> > contact someone there by phone. He was very apolligetic and
> > informed me that in fact, the order was still in shipping and I
> > could expect an email shortly with my tracking number.
> >     Once again, no email was received. Several phone calls over the
> > weekend went unanswered (their site does state that they are closed
> > Saturday and Sunday) Monday morning, once again at 11:00 AM I was
> > able to reach someone by phone. This person, Miguele, informed me
> > that for some unknown reason, my order had not shipped as promised
> > he assured me that he would check into my situation and email me
> > immediately with more information. Again, I received no email.
> > Still more phone calls and emails were ignored.
> >     Yesterday,(2/26) I once again reached Miguele at 11:00 AM. He
> > explained that once again, my order had not shipped and again
> > appologised to the point where he actually sounded somewhat
> > sincere. He assured me that the order was packaged and waiting for
> > their 4:00 PM UPS pickup and that shipping had been upgraded to UPS
> > 2nd day to partially make up for any inconvenience. He also assured
> > me that soon after the order left the building,I would receive an
> > email with the tracking number. Instead of a tracking number I
> > received my first email response from PCRapids durring this whole
> > saga. I have pasted it below:
> >
> >      i appologize for the delayed update. Your order with PCR for 5
> > leadtek motherboards, was not shipped today. the reason for this
> > delay is
> > because we only have limited stock of the Leadtek board that you
> > wanted to
> > purchase. We cannot send you an incomplete order that is why your
> > order has
> > not left our warehouse. I sincerely appologize for the
> > inconvenience caused
> > and understand excactly how you are feeling at this time. At this
> > point however i will not be able to get your order sent out today
> > and will probably have this out the door tomorrow, thought this is
> > not also not guaranteed. We do want your business but due to the
> > circumstance, we wont be
> > able to fulfill your request at this point. Again we appologize. If
> > you are
> > still interested with this order please reply to this email and i
> > will try
> > my best to expedite your order right away.
> >
> >     Well, I am pretty flippin' mad here, but as it will take about a
> > week for my charge account to process a refund and another week to
> > process an order with another company, I am pretty much stuck with
> > these people. I intend to take what action I can against this
> > company as soon as I have received either my order or a refund, but
> > I wanted to start here with a warning to my friends at Gentoo.
> >     This same company also does business as tufshop.com and Mid-City
> > Computers.
> > see other's reports on dealing with this company:
> >
> > http://www.resellerratings.com/seller1924.html

Though Steve's comments were spot on, because I had invested so much 
time and had been promised that the parts were in and would be shipped 
immediately, I elected to wait them out some more.
        The straw that broke the camel's back came Monday evening when I 
finally received an email from Neal Armstrong, (no not the astronaut) 
the owner of PCRapids/ Tufshop, saying that they could not ship again 
because the parts were NOT in house. He offered to send an unnamed 
substitute motherboard at the same cost. A reply, asking what board he 
intended to supply went un answered.
        Instead of a reply, Tuesday noon, I received the same offer from the 
sales department, still with no info on the proposed substitution, and 
a line telling me how much they valued my business.
        After some thoughts about renting a mailman's uniform and catching a 
plane to L.A., I cancelled my order, and placed a new order with 
Monarch Computer of Deluthe Georgia. The order was placed at 8:00 PM 
Tuesday and my parts arrived at 9:04 A.M. today. Monarch sent numerous 
emails, most automaticly generated, that kept me informed every step of 
the way, from order entry to credit department to fullfilment to 
shipping. This company is top shelf. Their customer servive is 
fantastic, emails are replied to promptly, and questions are actually 
answered instead of the lies and excuses I got from PCRapids.
        I would whole heartedly recommend Monarch to anyone in the market for 
computer hardware. Sorry about the commercial here, I realize that this 
is OT but I would hate for anyone else to go through the garbage I 

Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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