On Saturday 08 March 2003 03:41 am, Lai Liu-yuan wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 10:54:48 -0800
> Timothy Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > init.d/wlan..
> > depend {
> >     provide wlan
> > }
> >
> > init.d/net.wlan0...
> > depend {
> >     need wlan
> > }
> >
> > but that doesn't work as rc-update bitches about wlan not being a
> > dependancy or something like that.
> Maybe it is "use". But can you explain why wlan instead pcmcia? pcmcia
> works fine for me?

use doesn't seem to work either, and I use wlan-ng instead of pcmcia cause 1) 
It's not a pcmcia card. It's a built-in mini-PCI Prism2. and 2) because I 
can't stand the orinoco drivers, and they don't work well for me.

> > I'd love to find a way to automatically detect which network I'm in
> > proximity to and automatically configure for that network at startup. If
> > anyone has any suggestions they would be gladly accepted.
> I thought the default setting in wlan-conf is SSID_wlan0="", which means
> any network in the range. I am using my wireless card in my home and at
> school, no need to configure another wlancfg-xxxx file. Of course, unless
> you want to access specific AP.

I certainly wish that were the case, the SSID_wlan0 setting only tells the 
system which wlancfg-XXXXXX file to use.

I can't figure out a way to determine SSID before starting the network. Heck 
I'd be content with determining the MAC address of base-station before 
bringing up the interface.

Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant

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