Louis C. Candell said:
> Jason Giangrande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I have both the SB Live and an Audigy 1 and as far as Linux goes I
>> don't think there is much of a difference in driver feature support.
>> I would go with whatever is cheaper.
> I have an SB Live and I notice a D R A M A T I C difference in sound
> quality in my emu10k1 vs. my other built in sound cards, via82xx
> intel8x0 als4000... SB & ALS are PCI and the other two are on the
> mo-bo...
> This is an older SB Live (4 speaker - 2000) without 5.1, and it will
> make me purchase another SB Live in the future.
> Buy one! :)

I hear that the SBLive! puts greater load on processor whereas the audigy
performs more processing on board.  Is this true and would this be a
noticeable difference?

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