On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 16:06:40 -0500
gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'd have to agree with craig on this one.  stopping kids from doing
> something is just encouraging them to find a way around the blockage. 
> the best thing you can do is talk to them and help them understand
> what's out there.  'cause whether you want them to or not, whether
> they're using your computer or not, they'll find they're going to see
> everything there is to see...  best you prepare them for it rather
> than denying them the chance to make a decision to avoid it.

I agree too.  I've seen kids that were quite sick, etc at the hospice my
daughter passed away at get around filters.  For th older kids (over 10
or 11) they couldn't even get to hotmail due to filtering(in their case
by norton).  My son is mentally challanged and 11 yrs old.  He's used
computers since he was 4.(he's not a savant or anything but can get
around in linux, mac OS, and windows just fine).  He knows right and
wrong and knows where he's aloud to go.  I've edited his bookmarks to
make them point at kid safe search engines, home work info,
entertainment sites, etc.  I've made those links handy to reach(personal
toolbar, etc).  If my little guy (ok he's not so little he's 5ft2 and
133lbs) can be taught right from wrong and use the net unmonitored
pretty much any parent could teach their kids.  Not to say that on
occasion he doesn'nt get into something.  Instant messengers are bad for
that.  But I "net proofed him" by explaining what info to not give, that
he should only talk to people he knows or I know(our family, friends,
school buddies, etc) and that some people aren't what they appear to
be.(one girl was calling herself brittney spears now my son and another
mentally challanged teen thought that true.  I pointed out to my son why
it probably wasn't as he does know some famous people... David Arquette
was one he messaged with and who doesn't use his real name for obvious
reasons.  Well my son understood that and is more cautious).  My son and
I also had a talk on facts of life years ago and he's had education on
it in school from kindergarten on.  So he's not phased by somethings and
also from talks with me matter of factly on questions he's had he grasps
somethings.  Such as art vs sex and that sex isn't for little kids.

Overall tho I think kids can be taught net safety basics and they are
usually quite bright and determined so if you put in filters they will
find a way around them or they'll be curious why it's blocked and find
some way around them... or finally they'll get irritated that they can
get their hotmail or whatever from school or the library but not at home
and try to get around things.  One warning tho and I don't think my son
is the only child to do this.  Be prepared for acro invasion.  You'll
see it used lots after they start talking to their friends or reading
more websites for kids, etc.  While I've discouraged my son from
speaking acro alot(I don't want him to carry it offline and into school
work) I do encourage him to email and talk with friends and family. 
This has helped his language and his will to learn.(kids are very
determined if they need something and are curious so science sites, etc
catch their eyes)




"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to
unchartered land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit." -
Helen Keller 

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