It works,

after installing the 4191.ebuild's the nvidia load perfect!!

Before sending my last e-mail i have read the portage manual again but the solution 
you give me are not in there.
Where can i find more info on the portage and emerge/ebuild.

Again every one thanks for helping me.
I must say whats running now is fast an perfect!

At the end i shall also say i love Gentoo :-)

 "Louis C. Candell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Patrick Marquetecken"  writes:
>Do this:
>cd /usr/portage/media-video/nvidia-kernel/
>ebuild nvid*4191.ebuild merge
>OR open up the nvid*4191.ebuild in the same directory, and where you
>KEYWORDS="~x86 blah blah blah"
>make it say:
>KEYWORDS="x86 blah blah blah"
>In other words, remove the tilde (~) from in front of the x86 and
>save the ebuild in place, the just go ahead and do:
>emerge nvidia
>That should work.... 
>> Hi,
>> At first thank you all for the help already given, it was quit late yesterday so i 
>> want to start all over form scratch.
>> It seems i have version 1.0.3123
>> Trying to install version 1.0.4191, gives me the error that they been masked.
>Louis C. Candell

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