
I recently got hold of a live-cd containg gentoo stage1,2 and 3 tarballs and a 
few packages. I read through the /usr/share/doc/install.txt and also read the 
portage manual and guide. I find the whole portages/emerge idea very 
interesting and would like to give it a try, except I have the little problem 
of no internet access on the box I'm installing Gentoo.

I have internet access elsewhere, so my question is how would I go about 
installing and keeping up to date, my gentoo box at home. There surely must be 
a way to set up /etc/make.conf or whatever to lookup the files i separetly 
downloaded and copied to /some/dir/. 

emerge sync, emerge -up world , ect all want to connect to the gentoo mirrors.

Any help?

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