On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:07:03 -0500
Kurt Lieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 08:19:15PM -0500 or thereabouts, Mike Atamas
> wrote:
> > Is the GWN some sick twisted april fools joke?
> Just as a follow up to all this, yes, it's a joke.  Yes, we hooked an
> amazine number of people and yes, I enjoyed every minute of it. :)
> Quite honestly, I'm surprised that so many people believed it.  To me,
> the notion that Gentoo would dump ebuilds in favor of RPMs is so far
> from the realm of possibility as to be absurd.  Obviously, some folks
> didn't find it quite so impossible. :)
> I've received some feedback that perhaps I did too good of a job when
> writing the piece and made things too believable.  Hopefully, no harm
> was done.  Certainly none was intended.
> --kurt
That's the time time I will believe that the newsletter will be
delayed because of "maintenance". ;)
el lodger

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