On Wednesday 02 April 2003 10:47, Carlos C. Gonzalez wrote:
> One thing that is very confusing trying to figure this out is which
> directory KDE is using.  .kde3 or .kde3.1.  I have been told on the KDE
> list that it's .kde3 but there are files in my .kde3.1 directory that seem
> to be getting used such as my /home/carlos/.kde3.1/share/conf/bookmark.xml
> file.

Gentoo uses a "nonstandard" kde scheme to allow for multiple kde's living next 
to eachother. Kde first looks for configuration at the .kde directory. This 
is a symlink to .kde3.1 . Also the konqueror file manager is just an 
"embedded application" in konqueror, so it can have non-konqueror 
configuration files.


Paul de Vrieze
Homepage: http://www.cs.kun.nl/~pauldv

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