On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 06:54:36PM +0100, MooktaKiNG wrote:

> OK. this is the most frustrating thing i've ever had with Gentoo.
> I can boot with the liveCD. I can load the produles, ataraid and
> pdcraid. it does work. I install successfully. Then i install Grub.
> I follow the howto and do root=/dev/ataraid/d0p1
> My /boot is a seperate partition in hda1.
> But it just doesn't boot.

I gave up using grub for this, and used (groan) lilo.  My /etc/fstab
looks like this:

/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1        /boot           ext2 noauto,noatime  1 1
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part3        /               ext3 noatime         1 1
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part2        none            swap sw              0 0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part5        /usr ext3            noatime         1 1
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part6        /var ext3            noatime         1 2
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part7        /usr/local ext3            noatime         1 2
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part8        /opt ext3            noatime         1 2
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part9        /home ext3            noatime         1 2

And my /etc/lilo.conf looks like this:

timeout = 50 
disk = /dev/ataraid/disc0/disc
        bios = 0x80

map = /boot/System.map
delay = 50
vga = normal    # Normal VGA console                               
# End LILO global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins
        image = /boot/vmlinuz
        root = /dev/ataraid/disc0/part3
        append = "idebus=66, ide0=ata66"
        label = Gentoo
        read-only # read-only for checking
        image = /boot/vmlinuz.old
        root = /dev/ataraid/disc0/part3 
        label = Old.kernel 
        read-only # read-only for checking

I hope this helps.  If you find a way to make grub work, please let me
know, as I would much prefer to be using grub.

Dennis Soper                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Supervisor
Facilities Services-- The University of Oregon
1276 University of Oregon                       phone:  541-346-2286
Eugene, OR  97403                               fax:    541-346-2299

Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the 
leaders.  That is easy.  All you have to do is to tell them they are being 
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the 
country to danger.  It works the same in any country.
                                           --Hermann Goering

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