On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 11:35:33AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    I've got a number of 1394 hard drives. I'd like to set up some sort of a
> regular backup of my Gentoo box in the studio. Can someone recommend a tool
> that has an ebuild and will support backing up to a hard drive?
>    I prefer a GUI based tool, or something very easy to remember how to use
> if it's command line based.

I use mondo-archive (www.mondorescue.com) which is a great tool that
allows you to back up (full or incrimental) to ISO, directly to CDR/RW,
and is command line (sorry) so it's easy to run from cron. 

Some of the other things it supports are restoring to a different
configuration (ie: back up your system and you want to try RAID, so you
restore in expert mode, change your fstab setup, and let it continue,
and it'll create your raid partitions and adjust filesystem sizes on the
fly; or change partition size and layout; etc).

Check it out, and take the time to put together the command line part (a
gui is being worked on IIRC)... it's a powerful and relatively easy tool
with an active development community.


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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