On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 12:39:09AM +0100, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> On Friday 06 Jun 2003 22:04, Jayson Garrell wrote:
> > Are you using that 160GB drive on a ultra100 controller? If so thats
> > why it's only using 127GB. I had the same thing, 33GB sounded a bit
> > high for partition information, and got a ultra133 controller and it
> > sees the full drive capacity.
> So that explains it.  Yes, this is an ultra100.  Thanks for the info.

It might not be if the controller is ATA 100 or 133 but the limitations
of non ATA-6 controller you may want to check out a bios upgrade before
the cost of a new controller since earlier controllers can not see
beyond 137GB.


Peace Jim

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