On Tuesday 27 May 2003 03:58 pm, Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 May 2003 23:42, Ernie Schroder wrote:
> >     Close! you enable it in /etc/modules.d/nvidia. This, in turn
> > updates /etc/modules.conf. If you edit modules.conf, it will be
> > overwritten the next time you start X. Be prepared to revert back
> > to where you are now. How about posting /etc/modules.d/nvidia so we
> > can have a look at it.
> I've put the option that brett suggested in /etc/modules.d/nvidia,
> not in /etc/modules.conf. I think, he mistyped or smth like that :).
> I knew that modules.conf is not the right place to put one's options.
> And what do you expect to see in my 'nvidia' file? If you wanted to
> know what my GPU is: its a GF4 MX440 SE.
> Anyway here it is (I think it's rather common):
> <begin file>
> # Nvidia drivers support
> alias char-major-195 nvidia
> alias /dev/nvidiactl char-major-195
> # To tweak the driver the following options can be used, note that
> # you should be careful, as it could cause instability!!
> #
> #   To enable Side Band Adressing:  NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1
> #
> #   To enable Fast Writes: NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1
> #
> # To enable both for instance, uncomment following line:
> #
> options nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1
> <end file>
> Last option works perfect, no errors (at least visual). I'm writing
> this message with that option set (I'm in X of course :) ).
> And what error might one expect to happen when setting this option to
> 1?
> And another thing that left unanswered: what is 'FastWrites' and why
> might I need it?

I may have you confused with someone who could only get AGP 1X working. 
Sorry about that.
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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