Hi, all. I was wondering if someone could help me with an annoying problem I'm having. I successfully installed and booted Gentoo 1.4rc_4 from the LiveCD. During the installation, I had used net-setup to set eth1 (my one and only ethernet card) to DHCP mode and it worked fine. I could use emerge, lynx, and the other network software that boots with the CD. But when I booted Gentoo from my hard drive after I installed it, I simply could not emerge my system. I modified /etc/conf.d/net so that the only uncommented line reads "iface_eth1="dhcp"", used rc-update to add eth1, and rebooted my system, but it STILL didn't work. If anybody could help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I think moving from RedHat to Gentoo will be worth the trouble I've had. Thanks.

- sakul87

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