
Unless I missed the post, there is a command for displaying the groups a user belongs to. Its called "groups" funnily enough.

# groups username

will return the groups that user belongs to.

Then to modify a user account - including add another group to that user - use the "usermod" command funnily enough.

# usermod -G newgroup,group1,group2,... username

will add "newgroup" to the list of groups that user belongs to. Make sure to include all the present groups though.


# man groups
# man usermod

For more information.

Regarding you query about having to re-login to initiate new user and group settings. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but won't:

# su - username

allow you to perform a full login as though you logged in directly.


# man su

For more details.


Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 18:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You're running a desktop session? If so, you need to exit and restart
that. Starting another xterm isn't really logging in - it's just starting
another process associated with the running desktop.

Yes, I'm running KDE session. Thanks for pointing that out - I'll logout and login again and hope it will work then.


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