On 16/6/03 1:01 pm, "Zack Gilburd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please do not take the following offensively, I merely mean to provide you
> with constructive critcism.

Don't be silly. I always try not to let on when I'm offended.

> I've noticed that on your posts to the GUML, you advertise your want to be
> employed;

Gizza job, mister..!

>... However, I do not think
> it would be wise to advertise yourself as a sysadmin, then post to a ML with
> your root address.


> IMHO, using root for *anything* except essential
> administrative tasks is risky and careless.

I most certainly agree. I rather like `sudo`, as it ensures that the
administrator must be conscious of each root-privileged action that he takes
- using `su` it is rather too easy to stay logged in as root for longer than

> If I were you, I would post from
> a different user than root.

Erm... but, of course, I do. I rather assumed that would be obvious.

> Again, please don't take the following
> offensively, but if I were in the market to employ a sysadmin, I would not
> hire you because of your seemingly reckless usage of the root account.

It's not really THAT seemingly, Sir:

  [silva:~] stroller% host stellar.eclipse.co.uk
  stellar.eclipse.co.uk mail is handled (pri=10) by mx1.ex.eclipse.net.uk
  stellar.eclipse.co.uk mail is handled (pri=20) by mx2.ex.eclipse.net.uk
  [silva:~] stroller% nslookup stellar.eclipse.co.uk
  Server:  gentoo.lan

  *** No address (A) records available for stellar.eclipse.co.uk
  [silva:~] stroller%

As you can see, stellar.eclipse is virtually hosted. Is it really a risk for
me to post using this address..?

> I hope that this did not come off as rude in any way, I just want to offer my
> advice as a fellow Linux professional and sysadmin.

Glad to have received it. I shall certainly reconsider my posting address -
I do not wish the same address to be made in the futile.


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