I would really love to see this work but unfortunately it doesn't you get

*** Package in world file is not installed: bla/bla

and it dies. (you too can experience this just put a valid non-installed
package into your world file and do a emerge -u world)

I have been experimenting with injecting the stubs first (with emerge -i
bla/bla-version) and combined with a stage3 install doing a emerge -e
world. With some simple bash for loops its not hard to set this up, the
problems I have encountered so far are these. First virtual/bla packages
sometimes block each other (I have postfix in my world file and vcron
insists on installing ssmtp first) stopping the compile. Also kernel
modules pose a problem (I also have nvidia-glx in my world file as well
as alsa-driver) that can be overcome by compiling a kernel first, but
some packages (qce-ga for example) use the actual kernel version thats
running to determine the correct location to install modules, hence
stopping the compile. The last problem I had was general failed
compiles, and there is absolutely no way to "restart" the -e world
without doing it again. After 4 installs each stopping for various
reasons at an average of 12 hours in each install I gave up and am going
back to the drawing board. I personally would Love to see installing
packages from the world file be incorporated, what are other peoples
thoughts or experiences with this?

On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 12:09:29AM +0200, myciel wrote:
> maybe its enough to install "base" gentoo
> than cp /var/cache/edb/world file from Your first instalation
> than emerge rsync
> than emerge world
> I'm not sure if this works but I'm sure there is an easy way to clone 
> Your current portage database
> to different machine.
> regards
> myciel

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