On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 03:21:07AM -0400, Owen Gunden wrote:
> Thanks for responding, Chris.  I've been trying to figure this out for a
> while now :).
> I've managed to get folders to work as long as they start with a dot, like
> you explained.  However, I'd really like it if the folders could be named
> and placed freely, or at least more freely.  The dot heirarchy is quite
> restrictive and not exactly intuitive for users who will be interacting
> with the folders in the filesystem/mutt as well as through imap.
> I've used a system before (I suspect it was imp, cyrus-imapd, and mbox)
> that had beautiful integration with ~/Mail/folders and /var/mail/username
> inboxes.  I just wish I could get this with maildir, squirrelmail, and
> courier-imap :).

Go back to IMP, it works much better in my experience.
The IMAP server will create folders with the dot naming scheme.
I haven't seen Mutt create Maildir folders correctly, but it certain
handles them correctly. (Just escape to the shell and use 'maildirmake'

My slackware mutt config files are available here:

Depending on how security minded you are, one thing I have started to do
it disallow direct user access to Maildirs, and instead use IMAP for all
access, even from Mutt.

Robin Hugh Johnson
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