On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:22:49PM +0200, Timo Boettcher wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Nachricht vom Dienstag, 24. Juni 2003, 16:44:47:
> >>>   I was asked to show Gentoo in my local LUG, to make a
> >>>   Demo-Installation or something like this.
> >>>   As the place where we meet has no Internet to speak of (64kbit
> >>>   single ISDN) and the meetings are pretty short (3hours), it
> >>>   would be hard to show a full gentoo Installation.
> >> Show upgrading a simple, small paket instead.
> > Also show them how you can install any version (well, any version in
> > portage) of that package, and upgrade and downgrade at will.  One of
> > my big beefs with debian is you can only really install the latest
> > version of the software, and you can't downgrade without having the
> > older deb packages there already.  Gentoo you just emerge the
> > version you want.  A *very* powerful (and overlooked) feature I
> > think. 
> The problem is, that many packages are IMO thrown out of portage much
> to early...

True, but in general you can at least downgrade a version or two if
something messes up.  I remember more than once searching around for
debian mirrors that hadn't updated when I needed the old version of
postgres or something like that.  Oh well, each distro has it's place
though right? :)

Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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