On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 11:05, William Hubbs wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running gentoo with exim as my mta.  I have mutt configured to read either 
> local email or email from my isp (connecting to their pop3 server).
> I have found that when I try to send mail to a certain isp from my linux box, they 
> bounce it and tell me that they will not receive mail from my ipaddress because it 
> is a dynamic/residential address.  I guess they are attempting to block spam.
> I looked in the mutt manual to see if it is possible to configure mutt to send mail 
> through my isp's smtp server, but I didn't come up with anything.
> Has anyone else run into this?  How are you getting around it?
Ya I have seen this also, If I remember correctly AOL is one of the
first to do this. I think that the anwser to your problem is to have
exim send the mail through your isp Exim calls it satellite email, I

Jayson Garrell

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