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On Monday 30 June 2003 04:30, Jerry McBride wrote:
> I explored the ICC package from intel a while back. It's nice compiler. It
> generated much smaller executables than gcc ever hopes to... sometimes ICC
> even made faster executables than gcc... but it wasn't really worth the
> aggravation getting ICC to fit into the linux platform. There is no total,
> painless conversion to ICC that I know of. I was never able to get a kernel
> compiled with it...
> If someone was to write a seamless wrapper for it, that translated gcc
> commands to icc ones, there may still be a legitimate use for ICC on linux.
> Until then, it's a curiosity.

Most packages only need minor tweaking to get icc working. While testing out 
compilers for a work project I've found icc to use approximately 30-35% of 
the time gcc need to compile c++ sources, so we're definitely going to stick 
with it here. Most options map directly, Intel have done a lot of work to 
make it easy prefering icc over gcc. There's still a few tweaks that need to 
be done in some sources (like e.g. gcc's hton* macros), but these shouldn't 
be hard to incorporate in a general way. Intel has published a paper on gcc 
compatibility, and they plan on making icc even more compatible with gcc. 
They also made a 2.4.something kernel compile on icc, with a few patches for 
kernel code using gcc-specific features.

A quick grep of /usr/portage shows less than 10 ebuilds currently honoring 
USE=icc. I just wish more ebuild developers would add icc awareness, allowing 
us who prefer the faster compile to have the choice ;) 
And, I'll ofcourse be very willing to start submitting patches for this 
myself, if it will be used at all. The one I tried submitting got ignored in 
favour of a gcc-only ebuild, so I've kept my patched ebuilds overlay'd 
locally for now.

- --Erik
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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