> i'm rather fond of vim, but there's one thing that just kills me, and that's 
> the colour scheme used when i'm running konsole in kde.  since i use the 
> semi-transparent background, the dark blue used in comments is virtually 
> unreadable and i'd like very much to be able to change the scheme used by vim 
> to determine this colour...  but try as i may, i can't find where this is 
> coming from.  can someone help me out here?

You can override the default colors in your .vimrc file. You'd have to
dig through the docs or the default files, but here are some overrides
I've used for years that should give you a place to start:

  " Set nice colors
  highlight Normal guibg=wheat
        highlight Visual gui=reverse guifg=NONE guibg=wheat
  highlight Cursor guibg=red guifg=NONE
  highlight NonText guibg=wheat
  highlight Constant guifg=DarkSlateBlue
  highlight Search guifg=red gui=bold guibg=NONE
  highlight Comment guifg=grey30
  highlight PreProc guifg=brown
  highlight Special guifg=sienna gui=bold
  highlight PreProc guifg=brown
  highlight Statement guifg=sienna
  highlight type guifg=#227b10 gui=bold
  highlight cIdentifier gui=bold guifg=DarkSlateBlue

My normal background is wheat, so you'll obviously have to adjust the
colors, but at least this give you the syntax. I'm sure there are other
"types" (the word after highlight) but these where the main ones that
bothered me.

Chris Bare

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