>> i'm rather fond of vim, but there's one thing that just kills me, and that's 
>> the colour scheme used when i'm running konsole in kde.  since i use the 
>> ...
>You can override the default colors in your .vimrc file. You'd have to
>dig through the docs or the default files, but here are some overrides
>I've used for years that should give you a place to start:
>  " Set nice colors
>  highlight Normal guibg=wheat
>  highlight Visual gui=reverse guifg=NONE guibg=wheat
> ...

These set colors for use in gui mode (i.e. gvim).  If you're using (text mode) vim 
from Konsole or another xterm equivalent, you'll want to 
do something like the highlight command below.
hi Normal ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=Black cterm=NONE

The way to produce specific colors can vary depending on your terminal.  If you're 
using konsole-16color, for example, bright foreground 
colors and bright background colors can be specified as BrightBlue for example.  On 
some terminals bright foreground colors have to be 
specified using cterm=bold and bright backgrounds are not available.  In a couple 
terminals, bright backgrounds can be achieved by using 
the blink attribute (cygwin and putty for example).  If anyone is interested, I've 
hacked together a terminfo addendum to make this 

Do a :h hi for more complete docs.  You can place your custom colors in a file 
~/.vim/colors/whatever.vim.  Start that file with:
let g:colors_name="whatever"
hi clear

And fill the rest with your highlighting commands.  Then you can put "color whatever" 
in your .vimrc, or type :color whatever in vim to load 
your color file.

If you want to see the same colors in your xterm as you do on the console (which I 
think is nice), here are the hex equivalents to 
configure your xterm with.  These are the colors that date to prehistoric times:
0: Black #000000
1: DarkRed #AA0000
2: DarkGreen #00AA00
3: Brown #AA5500
4: DarkBlue #0000AA
5: DarkMagenta #AA00AA
6: DarkCyan #00AAAA
7: LightGray #AAAAAA
8: DarkGray #555555
9: LightRed #FF5555
10: LightGreen #55FF55
11: Yellow #FFFF55
12: LightBlue #5555FF
13: LightMagenta #FF55FF
14: LightCyan #55FFFF
15: White #FFFFFF

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