On July 8, 2003 11:12 pm, Donny Davies wrote:
>   In the case of Apache2, be aware that several of what *were*
> third-party DSO modules, are now included with Apache itself.
> This means that you don't need to install mod_gzip, mod_ssl,
> mod_auth_ldap, mod_dav from /usr/portage/net-www anymore.

what about mod_auth_mysql?  i'm currently using it but had to compile it 
manually (no ebuild at the time).  is it included w/ apache2 or is there a 
better alternative?

you can't turn away from death, simply because you're afraid of what might 
happen without you.  that's not enough. you're not embracing life, you're 
fleeing death.  and so you're caught, in between, unable to go forward or 
backward.  your friends need what you can be, when you're no longer afraid.  
when you know, who you are, and why you are, and what you want.  when you are 
no longer looking for reasons to live, but can simply... be.
        - lorien to sheridan, babylon 5 "whatever happened to mr. garibaldi?"

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