I'm hearing php does not play nice with apache2. Not a huge deal since I
already run apache2, but it's bound to be for some folks.

On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 22:12, Donny Davies wrote:
>   Sometime this weekend (likely Friday or Saturday) Robin and I
> will move these two packages to non-arch-masked status.  So you
> will no longer get the older versions by default.  Yes, old
> versions will still be available; we're not going to delete
> Apache1 nor MySQL3 ebuilds.  They will be kept available for
> those who still want them.
>   In the case of MySQL4, you should run revdep-rebuild after
> your upgrade, so that your libmysqlclient-dependant packages
> are linked with the new library.  Please `emerge gentoolkit'
> to obtain the revdep-rebuild program.
>   In the case of Apache2, be aware that several of what *were*
> third-party DSO modules, are now included with Apache itself.
> This means that you don't need to install mod_gzip, mod_ssl,
> mod_auth_ldap, mod_dav from /usr/portage/net-www anymore.
> Also, the whole `ebuild /var/db/pkg/cat/pkg/pkg.ebuild config'
> dance is not required for thirdy-party modules anymore, due
> to a simpler default configuration file schema.
>   Thank you to everybody who has provided testing and feedback
> with respect to these upgrades.
>                 Donny.
> --
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