On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 04:49:10PM +0200, Christian Aust wrote:
> [Snip about FS on laptops]
> Exactly, esp. when you happen to have a ACPI-only laptop: Sometimes you 
> don't know when your battery runs out.

I know exactly when my laptop will run out of battery using ACPI.
Since ACPI gives me a) the powerdrain in mW from the battery and b)
how much power in mWH there's left in the battery. The calculation is
left as an excerise to the reader (and my ruby-script ;).

Of course, it could be lying. 

> >> 3) APM or ACPI ?
> ACPI will supersede APM one day, until then APM has much better features 
> (sleep, hibernate). 

ACPI has sleep and hibernate.
'echo -n 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep' for sleep
'echo -n 4 > /proc/acpi/sleep' for hibernate
Not sure about the numbers or hibernate. I don't have any partition
on which it can save the RAM.

ACPI also gives me access to throttling and performance stepping. And
atleast performance stepping is crucial to squeeze a few extra hours
out of that battery. Throttling doesn't do that much though, just
makes the machine slower. ;)

E.g. I can get lower power consumtion by stepping down my 2Ghz
processor to 1.2Ghz, than using the throttle. I can still watch movies
with mplayer with the stepdown, but not with throttling. YMMV
ofcourse. :)

> >> 4) Which kernel to use ?

gentoo-sources and development-sources, just to check what's in queue
for the next linux release. 

> >> 5) Framebuffer or not ?

No framebuffer... Used to run it, but figured it was just a waste of
powercycles since I'm booting into X anyway.

As for the windowmanager, I use Ion (devel version). It's /the/
keyboard driven windowmanager, and since all mice suck on laptops
(whether it's a touchpad or the that rubbery g-spot on the middle of
the keyboard), I like to stick to keyboards. Ion is not for everyone,
and I doubt it's even usable for most people, but it suits my needs

Just my two ören (pending conversion to Euro cents)

To segfault is human; to bluescreen moronic. 

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