On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 11:48:14AM -0400, Christopher Fisk wrote:
> >Perhaps you may answer with the operating system you use the most,
> >besides Gentoo...

Missed the original post, but if someone is keeping track, here's my

For total time, I guess Debian wins. Considering it's running 24/7 on
my P133 server in the closet.

On my laptop, I always run Gentoo, although my girlfriend likes to
boot into Windows XP, even if I try to make her understand that she
doesn't have to. :)

My old laptop, which died a horrible death[1], ran mostly Gentoo and
some Windows 2000.

The 'game' computer runs Windows 2000 exclusively.

The 'workstation' computer only runs Gentoo, but there is a partition
for Win2000 back when it was the 'game' computer. :) I don't even have
it listed in the grub config file.

Does work count?

Because then it's windows, even if I do most development on the
Slowaris server through Exceed.


[1] It just died and refused to even go into PowerOnSelfTest after my
girlfriend played Windows Solitair on it for several hours. My guess
is it commited suicide.

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