
my Gentoo box acts as a Router for a Windows XP host. On the Gentoo
box the download rate is about *7,5 kB/s* on the XP host just *3,8
kB/s*. But: when I use a Cisco router for the Windows host, the
download is about *7,5 kB/s*.

So it looks like as the Gentoo router is limiting the bandwidth...
What can I do to make the full 7-8 kB/s available to the clients?!

Neither on the Windows nor on the Gentoo host is a firewall or a virus
scanner running. Kernel is 2.4.20.

I enable routing by:
echo 1 >| /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j 

This is my .config:

What else can I do or test?!

Regards, Thorsten

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