On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 10:53:36AM -0400, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
> I can type just fine :).  i was just never a fan of vi.  Its nothing but
> personal preferance.

That's one thing I've always been amazed by. That a community that
often loath everything Microsoft because it forces them to think in a
Microsoft way and force them to use ONE browser and ONE Office Suit
and ONE GUI, often try to force THEIR opinions onto other people; 
'I use Linux because it gives me a choice to do whatever I do. BTW,
use <editor>, <windowmanager>, <distribution>, <kernel-flavor> or I
will crush you with my Giant Hammer of Superior Knowledge [+1].'

Present company excluded, ofcourse. ;)


To segfault is human; to bluescreen moronic. 

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