Hi all, after I've solved my make.conf problems (with your help :-)) I've 
begun  the long, long world compilation. My little k6-2 @ 475 mhz with 192 mb 
ram laptop has exited from stage 1 on sunday, exited from building X on 
tuesday and from tuesday it's still compiling kde (!). With only fews and 
quickly stops: is it normal?
Well, but my problem is that on console 2, while on console 1 kde was growing,  
I've begun to play with the kernel conf file. In fact when I've compiled my 
gentoo kernel for the first time, I must have mistaken something in the usb 
configuration, since my laptop's external usb mouse won't work. Therefore 
I've stopped the kde compiling process and I've started a new kernel 
compilation. However when I've rebooted the laptop I still have had the some 
problems with framebuffer described before: my screen has gone out of sync. 
Panic. Then I've rebooted my laptop from live-cd and then mounted my root 
partition under /gentoo as I did during installation process. After this,  I 
# chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
# env-update
# source /etc/profile
and I've tried to recompile my kernel. During this new compilation process 
I've received strange messages about skew clock and date in the future. I 
suppose it's caused by gmt/local date settings: my system is configured with 
"local" setting, and live cd system perhaps is gmt. However, after 
compilation of the new kernel (without framebuffer), I have given a cp from 
..../arch/i386/boot/bzImage to  /boot, but when I've rebooted I've obtained 
the same blank screen problem I've had before. I've realized that, perhaps, 
my mistake was that I've forgotten to mount the /boot partition (correct?). 
So I've rebooted one more time, followed all steps that I've described before 
plus mounting the boot partition. Because of the late time, I've preferred to 
send back the compilation of kernel and to resume with kde. And now, while 
I'm writing, my laptop still compiling kde.
I hope you will excuse me for this long description, I step now to the 
When I boot my machine I'd like to have the same nice resolution and gentoo 
logo of live-cd. How can I obtain it? I'd like to have the same autoconfig 
and hardware recognition features too, so how can I set my kernel as the 
live-cd kernel? What's about lilo.conf? I've tried a lot of settings and 
played with vga entry, but without success. I've readed the manual for lilo 
but it didn't help. Is it correct to continue the kde compilation under the 
live cd ambient? Naturally after the chroot procedure that I've described. 
I've a logitec usb wireless mouse. It works fine with live cd, but what I've 
lost in my own kernel configuration to abtain it to works? What's about the 
skew time messages? How can configure correctly my date/time while I'm under 
live-cd rescue? In the past, I've got a lot of problems with modules 
configuration, so I prefer to have all compiled directly into the kernel: is 
it too heavy for my laptop? Because one time I've received a message from 
lilo about the "too big dimensions" of the kernel?
Finally, how can I recover correctly and fastly all this situation once that 
the compilation of kde will be finished?
Still sorry for the lenght and confusion of this message. I hope in your aid.

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