Can you suggest a solution? I have not had that exp. with the 4 others I have, 
but they are all getting more prop. stuff on em it seems.

The only thing I can think of is to try another Maxtor just like the original 
in it and if that doesn't work I'll have to call gateway and tell them its 


On Monday 28 July 2003 11:18 pm, Steven Elling wrote:
> On Monday 28 July 2003 08:48, Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> > Thanks for all the suggestions here. After trying all, plus a few dreamed
> > up myself I have determined this machine will not boot the WD drive after
> > it has been formatted. I cannot tell you why,and neither can WDC. I set
> > it up with the one Maxtor drive for now and in a few weeks I'll get
> > another of those and try it..
> I know you probably don't want to hear this, but, your problem is yet one
> more reason why I don't recommend Gateway machines to anyone.
> One of my old clients had so many problems with Gateway machines they were
> calling me out on-site every day for several issues on different machines.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Michael W. Holdeman

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