I don't really know how the whole module thing works, but I've
encountered similar situations where modules can't be found
because things are not looking where I thought they should,
and basically because I don't understand much of it.

As a result of some chats on #gentoo, I've come up with this 

do a 'modprobe -l > my-modules.txt' which seems to result in
a list of modules, each with a fully absolute path, and each 
with a '.o' or whatever ending.

By hand, I've gone through each line and deleted the stuff
that isn't the module name, and the bits after the dot.

I'm sure there's a programming way of doing it, but frankly 
this was quicker than spending another twenty years trying
to learn programming, which hasn't worked out so far.

Then I change the result into /etc/modules.autoload and all
is happy. It'd be nice if there were an automated way of 
arriving at modules.autoload from the output of modprobe -l 
and simply allowing the user to comment out the bits
not needed (or in my case, it's all needed or I wouldn't
have made the kernel that way in the first place).

Ian Tindale

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