Bryce wrote:
Thanks for the responce Tom; however this is a long standing problem. Since i put in a new harddrive and rebuilt gentoo. I didn't have this problem before( on the old harddrive) and i find it quite annoying now.

Could it maybe be that my account is in a group that somehow writes over being in the portage group? Or maybe i just belong to too many groups.

Could some people please send me their output for "groups" so i have an idea of where mine should be??? I realize its an odd request, but private emails are welcomed ;).


On Wednesday 30 July 2003 04:26 am, Tom Knight-Markiegi wrote:

Hi Bryce

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 09:56:36PM -0700, Bryce wrote:

Hey all, my normal user account is in the portage group( i even checked
/etc/group), however, whenever i use my account to do some emergeing (
short of compiling) i always get that "not part of portage group" error.
Has anyone else seen or dealt with this problem??

Have you logged out and back in again? I've noticed that you have to do this before any changes to /etc/groups take effect. If you type:


this will tell you what groups you are in, if this doesn't match up to
/etc/groups try logging in again.



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Here's the output of groups on my box, and also the portage line from my group file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bryn $ groups
users wheel slocate portage
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bryn $ grep portage /etc/group

What do you get?


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