Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> first, i have used linux for close to five years, but this is the first
> time i have tried any distro other than redhat. :) i know a fair amount
> about linux, and i have compiled programs before, but i am not an
> expert, as you will probably realize by the end of this email :)

You're doing just fine.
> i am not sure if this is my problem, but when i run "route" on gentoo,
> it prints this:
> Kernel IP Routing Table
> Destination    Gateway      Genmask         Flags  Metic Ref Use Iface
>    *     U        0      0    0   
> eth0
> loopback        localhost       UG      0      0    0    lo
> default         UG      1      0    0   
> eth0

Looks sane.
> shouldn't the top entry by

Nah, it's referring to a whole subnet, saying anything destined for an IP
in that /24 netblock will exit through eth0. This is necessary to make the
default route work properly.

The default route itself is pointed at, and the flags looks
> also, when i am shown the login screen, it says: "This is farrell.(none)

That's a known bug with agetty, I believe... someone submitted a patch
for this on this mailing list a few weeks ago. Cosmetic but trivially
fixed if you apply the patch. Mail me if you need a copy of the email
with patch and installation instructions, if you can handle the patch

But first, double check the next suggestion (see below).

> (Linux i686...)" but it should read! :( farrell is
> my hostname, is the domainname in my home LAN (NOT on the
> internet!) i set /etc/hostname, and /etc/dnsdomain least
> as best i can tell. and i setup /etc/hosts correctly, afaik.

See if /etc/env.d/01hostname has the FQDN defined there.
> and lastly, here is my /etc/conf.d/net file:

Looks perfect.

So, considering your settings looks to be exactly as it should be...  I'm
going to guess that either it's a eth0 issue in some way OR it's a linksys
issue of some sort with NAT.

Just to double check -- you don't have ipchains or a similar firewall
utility loaded and enabled on your box?

Can you post the output of:

# ifconfig eth0


# lsmod 

Which kernel tree package are you using? gentoo-sources?


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