wow...quick reply :) i guess they werent lying when they said gentoo has
terrific forums! wooho!

well about possible nic/nat problems...i highly highly doubt it, becuase
like i said, i run redhat9 linux on the same box...its a dual boot. and
the live cd was able to easily use my nic, like i mentioned earlier. but
now back to your questions...

the following was run on my gentoo install:

cat /etc/env.d/01hostname:


(you said it should have a FQDN...but it doesnt...but if it was supposed
to have a fqdn, why is the filename 01hostname? just curious...i like to
learn :) )


Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
usbcore                55488   1
8139too                14152   1
mii                     2160   0  [8139too]

(hum...looks to me like petty few kernel modules...but then again i have
practically nothing configured...sound, printing, etc..) also, you asked
about my kernel...ya its a gentoo-sources install, and instead of
menuconfig, i did what the install docs told me to do to have it merge
the options gentoo would chose for me...i forgot the command it was...i
can look it up if necessary. so perhaps it compiled  lot in statically?
well in either case my box is lightning fast compared to my redhat9
install...gentoo boots in like 30 seconds, redhat in about 90 seconds...

ifconfig eth0:
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:44:14:1B:72
          inet addr:  Bcast: 
          inet6 addr: fe80::202:44ff:fe14:1b72/10 Scope:Link
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xf000

and about ipchains etc..i dont think so... i dont recall them loading at
boot time, but it scrolls by soo fast i dont know if i'd really
notice... but all i have installed on gentoo is what i had emerge
install: sync, gnome, kudzu, but of course it satasfied any dependencies
those had. how do i check to see if ipchains, etc is installed? im used
to redhats rpm -qa ;(

thanks again,

farrell farahbod

On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 22:06, Dan Foster wrote:
> Hot Diggety! Farrell Farahbod was rumored to have written:
> > first, i have used linux for close to five years, but this is the first
> > time i have tried any distro other than redhat. :) i know a fair amount
> > about linux, and i have compiled programs before, but i am not an
> > expert, as you will probably realize by the end of this email :)
> You're doing just fine.
> > i am not sure if this is my problem, but when i run "route" on gentoo,
> > it prints this:
> > 
> > Kernel IP Routing Table
> > Destination    Gateway      Genmask         Flags  Metic Ref Use Iface
> >    *     U        0      0    0   
> > eth0
> > loopback        localhost       UG      0      0    0    lo
> > default         UG      1      0    0   
> > eth0
> Looks sane.
> > shouldn't the top entry by
> Nah, it's referring to a whole subnet, saying anything destined for an IP
> in that /24 netblock will exit through eth0. This is necessary to make the
> default route work properly.
> The default route itself is pointed at, and the flags looks
> fine.
> > also, when i am shown the login screen, it says: "This is farrell.(none)
> That's a known bug with agetty, I believe... someone submitted a patch
> for this on this mailing list a few weeks ago. Cosmetic but trivially
> fixed if you apply the patch. Mail me if you need a copy of the email
> with patch and installation instructions, if you can handle the patch
> utility.
> But first, double check the next suggestion (see below).
> > (Linux i686...)" but it should read! :( farrell is
> > my hostname, is the domainname in my home LAN (NOT on the
> > internet!) i set /etc/hostname, and /etc/dnsdomain least
> > as best i can tell. and i setup /etc/hosts correctly, afaik.
> See if /etc/env.d/01hostname has the FQDN defined there.
> > and lastly, here is my /etc/conf.d/net file:
> Looks perfect.
> So, considering your settings looks to be exactly as it should be...  I'm
> going to guess that either it's a eth0 issue in some way OR it's a linksys
> issue of some sort with NAT.
> Just to double check -- you don't have ipchains or a similar firewall
> utility loaded and enabled on your box?
> Can you post the output of:
> # ifconfig eth0
> and
> # lsmod 
> Which kernel tree package are you using? gentoo-sources?
> -Dan
> --
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