On Friday 08 August 2003 02:00, Adam Scriven wrote:
> What I'd like to setup is a compile farm/cluster, using two of my existing
> machines.  The number will eventually grow, but my wife won't let me bring
> my old computers out of storage in this tiny apartment. :)
> I'd like to be able to compile customized Gentoo systems (perhaps for use
> on LiveCD's, or available for Etherboot), but build them all from the same
> set of sources.  I have a computer setup running Gentoo (very well except
> for some minor problems like the old mplayer issue that isn't fixed yet,
> and some perl wierdness that is probably due to the recent changes), and I
> want to use it to bootstrap the rest of my machines.
> The problem is, none of the machines are the same, the network is 100%
> heterogeneous, but all are X86 based so far, so it's not going to be cross-
> compiling per-se (although that functionality would be rather nice).
> The machine I'm running now is running an OpenMosix kernel.  I'm assuming
> it's working well, but with only one machine in my cluster, it's hard to
> know for sure.  What I'd like to do is setup a LiveCD for my wife's
> computer, so that when it's booted off that CD it becomes part of my
> cluster, and it's power can be used to compile everything (well, except for
> those things that don't compile across the network properly, like X for
> example).
I'm not sure whether I understand it right, but if you just want to build a 
compile farm you could use ClusterKnoppix (Knoppix with OpenMosix kernel).

I don't know whether it includes distcc and ccache, but there was some talk 
about this on a debian mailing list. If it is not included you could add it 
yourself - just follow the instructions on the Knoppix website. Yeah, and 
Google is your friend :-)

Hope it helps.


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